Holga - is een volledig plastieke camera, tot de lens toe en lijkt daardoor eerder op een stuk speelgoed. Het is geen betrouwbaar toestel, toch maakt het gebruik van de professionele 120 negatieven. Die dualiteit dwingt tot speelsheid én om deze speelsheid au sérieux te nemen.
Holga - is a camera that is completely developed in plastic, even the lens is plastic. This makes it look more like a toy then a usable device. The camera is not very reliable and yet it uses the larger professional 120 films. This duality forces you to be playful and to also take that playfulness seriously.
Holga - is a camera that is completely developed in plastic, even the lens is plastic. This makes it look more like a toy then a usable device. The camera is not very reliable and yet it uses the larger professional 120 films. This duality forces you to be playful and to also take that playfulness seriously.